Biography page
Who is Dr Stephen O'Hanlon? Having been told many times at the BOS
conference that 'you're nothing like I expected' or 'you're much younger than I imagined', I decided to write a small section about myself and my origami.
Dr Stephen O'Hanlon
Born 11th April 1974 Master of Arts degree in Physiological
Sciences, St Hugh's College, Oxford University MB.BChir Medical
Degree from Wolfson College, Cambridge University MRCS Royal college of Surgeons of England I am currently
a junior hospital doctor with an interest in surgery. I live in
London, England.
I have been folding for many years now. Initially, the
'paperfolds' in the Rupert Bear annuals first attracted my interest.
This led me to obtain a book by Robert Harbin, which taught me the
basics of Origami. I carried on with simple folds until I went to
university, where access to the internet allowed me to see what
books were available worldwide. It also put me in contact with other
folders via newsgroups and the origami mailing list. I am a member
of the British Origami Society, too.
I have quite a few
origami books, including most of the Dover publication books on the
topic. I consider the likes of John Montroll and Robert Lang to be
outstanding designers, although my favourite is probably Kunihiko
Kasahara. His designs turn simple models into works of art, although
he can produce challenging complex designs, too. Possibly the best
works of art I have seen displayed have been designed by Eric
Joisel, who seems to effortlessly bridge the gap between a 2D sheet
of paper and a 3D work of art.
My favourite ten origami books
(in no particular order) include the following.
- Creative Origami - Kunihiko Kasahara
- Origami for the Connoisseur - Kasahara and Takahara
- Brilliant Origami - David Brill
- Teach Yourself Origami - John Montroll
- Origami Step-by-step - Robert Harbin
- Origami Fantasy - Fumiaki Kawahata
- Supercomplex Origami - Yoshino Issei
- Origami Insects and their Kin - Robert Lang
- Origami, From Angelfish to Zen - Peter Engel
- Fascinating Origami - Adolfo Cerceda / Vincente Palacios
My knowledge of HTML is self taught, from trial and
error, and from nicking ideas from other peoples pages. To see how a
web-page shouldn't be done, click here for my first
attempt! This is a MUD website, rather than origami. Enjoy!