Fishy Links
Here is a selection of links to some of my favourite websites. As well as origami related links, I have included links to some websites of medical interest, and some humourous websites as well. Please note that links marked 'NSFW' are not safe for work, and should be avoided by children.
Origami links
Gilad Aharoni's website
I met Gilad at a BOS convention - thoroughly nice chap. He has a huge collection of his origami models photographed here. There are also a large number of origami books reviewed - one of the biggest book reviews on the web. There is also a rather unflattering photograph of myself somewhere on the site, too...
Star Wars Origami
Chris Alexander has crated a range of Star Wars themed origami models and hopes to publish a book soon. The models certainly look fun and range from Land speeders to the Death Star. This is a site in progress, and hopefully some diagrams will come along soon.
Origami - The Fascination of Folding
Hans Birkeland presents a series of diagrams on this site. These are all computer designed, and most of them are complex or supercomplex - if you like difficult origami, then this is one of the best free sites on the net. Sadly, there are no photograms, but the diagrams are splendid anyway.
British Origami Society
The original and the best. The BOS has a huge number of members and a massive amount of resources. If you go to their conventions, you can meet strange people like me. Their website has a vast amount of information for anyone wanted to learn more about origami.
Brian Chan's origami page
There are lots of 'Brian Chan's out their. If you google 'Brian Chan', the first link you get is to his origami website - that is how good he is. This website has a stunning array of complex origami.There are also large numbers of crease patterns, too.
Eric Joisel's origami page
The eccentric Frenchman finally has his own website. He displays a small number of his models and even discusses that theory behind them, with a few sketches from his notebook. The photos are impressive, but even they do not do his work justice. There are diagrams for a baby hedgehog, too.
Pseudo Art Gallery
I haven't seen this site linked to much, which is a shame. Takaaki Kakitsuka presents a selection of his work, best of which are the large galleries of complex insects. There are a few diagrams here, too. He also gives instructions for his insect bases, from which most of his creations are folded.
Hideo Komatsu's gallery
This website is in japanese. Komatsu displays several of his origami models, all of which have his unique, calculated style. Most of the models have crease patterns displayed, too, if you fancy a real challenge!
Robert Lang's Origami Gallery
At last, Robert Lang has created his own website. He needs little introduction in the origami world - he is one of the best complex folder there is. This site also shows his artistic side, with a beautiful array of delicately wet-folded models. Be prepared to spend hours oggling.
Yuri and Katrin Shumakov's creation is a truely unique website that younger and older browsers will love. It is based around an origami journey in a fairytale land, with games to play, secret diagrams to hunt and much more. Well worth an afternoons browsing.
Nick Robinson's Website
Nick is a stalwart of the British Origami Society and presents his own unique website here. This has one of the largest collections of simple origami diagrams on the net, as well as comments about his published books. There are also sections about his band, the League of Gentleman, and other such humour. You have been warned...
Kamiya Satoshi's website
Be amazed. Although most of this amazing gallery is in Japanese, there is a list of english model names. Kamiya Satoshiis an origami genius. Origami doesn't get much more complex than this! As well as insects and mythical creatures, this is one of the few origami websites I've seen that has a gallery of characters from the Final Fantasy video games - a combination of two of my favourite pastimes!
Bits of John Smith
John Smith's excellent webpage offers a wide range of information about origami, including the most comprehensive history of paperfolding on the net. There are many pureland and simple diagrams, as well as several of John Smith's personal views.
Hiroaki Takai's Website
This site is in Japanese. Hiroaki Takai presents a colourful site with a lot of diagrams. There are many simple and traditional models, as well a healthy selection of intermediate level dinosaurs (which is never a bad thing). The diagrams are clear enough for non-japanese to understand.
Design in Origami
This is a large French site designed by N. Terry. The link above sends you to the English section. This site has a large gallery of models by artists such as Halle, Manuel Sirgo and Lionel Albertino. Models designed by Lang, Kawahata and others are also displayed. The site also has a large selection of diagrams and links to diagrams. It is well worth an afternoon spend browsing through.
Meguro Toshiyuki's Website
This site is in Japanese. I can't understad a word of it, but one of the links leads to a gallery of several hundred photos of supercomplex models, mostly insects. A lot of these are accompanied by crease patterns too, and seem to have essays about how the models were created. If only I could understand the language...
Joseph Wu's Website
And what list of sites would be complete without a link to Joseph Wu's origami site? This website was the original origami resource site, with galleries, diagrams and links to hundreds of other websites.
Medical links
Dr Rant
By day, he is Dr Cardigan, mild mannered GP. By night, he turns into Dr Rant, a medical mouthpiece attacking everything that is wrong with the NHS. Contains liberal use of anglo-saxon adjectives, and may be considered NSFW by some viewers.
Dr Crippen - NHS Blog doctor
The biggest and the best, 'Dr Crippen', an anonymous GP, provides daily blog entries detailing his work, and pointing out what is wrong with the national health service (usually political decisions). This blog is very well written, and will certainly make you think.
Dr Grumble
An extremely well-written blog, composed by 'Dr Grumble', a hospital consultant who I may have come across in my employment travels. This blog provides further insights into the unwieldy machinations of the NHS.
Get a note from your doctor
This is the world's first and biggest medical wiki written exclusively by GMC registered doctors. The website is designed to provide information for medical professionals, rather than the general public, although all of the entries are written by qualified doctors. I am one of the editors, and have written many of the ENT related articles.
Humourous websites
The best place on the web. Ever. Without a shadow of a doubt. If you want to find amusing pics or amazing links, then this place will keep you entertained for years. Occasional NSFW-ness.
Weebl's stuff
The home of some of the best animations on the web. Bonjour Monsieur is my all time favourite swf ever. Also the home of Badger, badger, badger.
Joel Veitch presents rathergood.com, the home of dancing kittens, anal seepage and well-endowed sumo florists. All hail the crab of Ineffable wisdom!
Red Meat
Max Cannon has to be one of the funniest cartoonests on the net. Don't expect to understand too many of these, but gosh, they are funny.