BOS convention Spring 2000
This gallery gives a brief review of the British origami society convention and displays some photographs of work by Eric Joisel, Robert Lang and others.
Cambridge Matsuri 2001
This gallery gives a review of 2001 Japanese arts festival in Cambridge, UK and has photos of work by Alex Bateman and others, as well as pictures of nutters with swords.
BOS convention Summer 2002
This gallery has a few photos taken when I gatecrashed the summer BOS convention. Included is work by David Brill and David King.
BOS convention Spring 2003
This gallery has a series of photos from the Nottingham convetion. Included are models by
Paul Jackon, Mark Leonard and John McKeever, as well as others.
BOS convention Summer 2006
This gallery has a series of photos from the Bristol convention. There are photos of work by Paula Versnick, David Brill, Nick Robinson and others.
BOS 40th anniversaryconvention 2007
This gallery has a series of photos from the Cambridge BOS 40th anniversary convention. There are photos of work by Robert Lang, Kamiya Satoshi, Eric Joisel and others.