This creature took ages to design. Ive been trying to come up with a decent griffon design for ages and eventually went back to using certain bases I'd previously sneered upon. This design is folded from a modified blintzed-frog base. A 'Y' shaped pleat in the model before the base is folded allows a series of layers to allow the front claws and the tail to be folded, as well as giving the tail feathers. The center point of the frog base also ends up with a central split, which forms the ears, and a few spare layers, which nicely form the breast feathers.
Designer : Designed and folded by myself, Copyright 2004-2007
Paper : One square of foil backed paper
Diagrams : None available
Crease pattern : None available
Please note : Unless I have indicated above, diagrams and crease patterns do not exist for this model. Please do not email me requesting them.