Origami Commissions
All of the images, photos and diagrams on this site are subject to copyright. I will take appropriate legal action if they are used without my permission. As an origami artist, I am happy to provide origami related material for anyone who wishes to employ me. Please note that I work as a full time surgeon, so any origami related projects are done strictly in my own time.
The use of photos and diagrams
Please contact me if you wish to use any of the material on this site for anything other than personal use. I am usually happy to allow the use of diagrams for small group teaching purposes or for charitable groups. For minor publications, my asking price for the use of a diagram or photo is usually a copy of the publication itself. For any other publications, please contact me by email and I will be happy to discuss prices.
The use of models from my diagrams
If you are a commercial organisation and wish to use any of the models on this site, this use too is subject to international copyright. Some models folded from diagrams on this site have been used in major advertising campaigns. Again, please email me and I will be happy to discuss prices.
Origami models
I am sometimes able to fold or design specific models at client's requests. These can be presented in person or sent by post. If you wish me to fold such a model, please contact me by email. If the model is to be used for commercial purposes, again, this will be subject to a further fee.