
Here are a selection of diagrams and crease patterns for some of my designs. Please do not distribute these diagrams or post them on other websites without my permission.
This section has a tutorial explaining origami basics.
Here is a large selection of origami animal designs.
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This section has a large collection of origami dinosaurs.
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Here are some simple origami flowers, plants, and pots.
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Here are my fantasy and sci-fi designs. And pokemon, too.
Here are diagrams for a complete origami chess set.
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This section has diagram for complex insect designs.
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Here are all my old, incomplete or deleted designs.
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These diagrams and the content of this website is Copyright 1999 and is for home use only. The definition of home use excludes the use of this materials at locations such as clubs, coaches, prisons, schools, hospitals, hotels although you may show it at oilrigs and libraries if you really must. Any unauthorised copying, renting, exchanging, broadcast and mime performance is strictly prohibited and will result in the sudden detonation of this computer. Seriously, please use the diagrams as much as you like, but please don't publish them or distribute without emailing me first. Thanks. And if you're still reading, that's rather sad of you. Why don't you look at some of the lovely diagrams?